E5063A Network Analyzer Rental/Used
Instrument name: Keysight E5063AENA vector network analyzer
Instrument brand: keysight
Main technical indicators of E5063A network analyzer rental/used
Maximum frequency 18GHz
Dynamic range 117dB
Output power 0dBm
Number of built-in ports 2 ports
Scanning speed up to 201 points 9m
2-port, 50Ω, S-parameter tester Choose the VNA frequency option that best suits your test needs and budget, and upgrade options at any time Leverage the consistent measurement architecture of industry-standard vector network analyzers to increase productivity and benefit using options Piece 011 Enhanced PCB Manufacturing Test Function Supports 6-language interface, provides English/Simplified Chinese software keys and embedded help manual, making operation easier
Why choose Xi'an Agitekservice Leasing/Second-hand Instrument Center for Leasing Instruments?
1. Free Shipping
The company can provide free pick-up and delivery (only in Xi'an urban area), and foreign customers can mail for free;
2. Rental discount
The rent can be given different discounts according to the length of the lease period and the value of the equipment;
3. Technical support
Our company can debug instruments and provide technical guidance according to customer requirements;
4. Provide free laboratory debugging
For customers with short-term rental needs, we can provide a spacious and comfortable testing laboratory free of charge, equipped with the required instruments according to the needs of customers, and charge per time per day. Not only does it have on-site guidance from professional engineers, but it also saves costs!
5. Types of instruments available for sale/rental
Rental/used spectrum analyzer, oscilloscope, radio comprehensive tester, network analyzer, modulation degree tester, audio analyzer, logic analyzer, synthetic signal source, function signal source, microwave signal source, high and low frequency sweeper, withstand voltage Tester, power meter, distortion meter, frequency meter, microwave frequency meter, AC/DC stabilized power supply, universal bridge, multi-digit digital multimeter, signal generator, LCR bridge, color TV signal source, oscilloscope probe, etc.
Contact details:
Xi'an Agitekservice Instrument Leasing/Second-hand Center
Company address:C608, Zhicheng Business, No. 17, Gaoxin 4th Road, High-tech Zone, Xi'an City
Company website:www.ywkjt.com